南昌愛萊科技有限公司 集研發、鑄造、加工、钣金、裝配于(At)一(one)體的(of)大(big)型企業
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Heavy Duty Roller Linear Guide Rail

  1. Taiwan HIWIN/PMI P-class rollers or Germany Rexroth ball linear rails with X/Y/Z-axis linear rail width of 55/45/55mm  and Z-axis hard rail (optional). 

  2. The three axes adopt Taiwan HIWIN/PMI Φ50*10mm C3 screws with pre-drawn design at both ends to eliminate  backlash. Japanese NSK NICHAP4 ball screw bearings are used with 6-bearing joint design for X, Y, and Z axes. The the  screws are pre-drawn to prevent thermal deformation and provide excellent positioning accuracy and rigidity.


#Herringbone" Column Structure

Proven and stable "herringbone" column structure is used to  strengthen the rigidity and resistance to bending and torsion  performance. Ultra-wide base is used to lower the center of  gravity of the machine tool to enhance its stability.

Three-Axis Standard Roller Linear Rail

High bearing load and cutting vibration resistance, optional ball  linear rail, low friction at high speed, responsive acceleration  and high positioning accuracy. The X and Z-axis adopts 6  sliders and Y-axis adopts 8 sliders to enhance rigidity.



Electrical Cabinet

The heating appliances and resistance radiator are separated without air convection to prevent dust, oil mist and moisture  from entering the electrical cabinet. The temperature of the electrical cabinet is stable to improve the working efficiency of  the machine and the life span of electronic elements. The system battery is upgraded with up to 5 years of life.


High Performance and High Accuracy Spindle

The high-performance and high-precision spindle can work for  a long time with excellent precision retention while its durability  and high-speed machining performance provide users with  excellent machining quality.

Technical parameters of vertical machining center
